Woodcreek High School Swim Invite
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Contact Information

  • 3051 Woodcreek Oaks Blvd, Roseville, CA 95747
  • Location: Roseville Aquatics Complex
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Woodcreek High School Swim Invite


The Woodcreek swim invite will take place at the Roseville Aquatics Complex on March 7-8, 2025.

You can find discounted hotel rates for this swim invite below.

Hotel Options

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Please note rates and room types are based upon availability and subject to change. Please contact hotel directly and book early.

Rates given by the hotels are based off of the following descriptions: Single = 1 person and 1 bed | Double = 2 people and 2 beds or 2 people 1 bed | Triple = 3 people and 2 beds | Quad = 4 people and 2 beds | Suite = Contact hotel for specific details